Monday, February 21, 2011

Two New Apprentices!

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the High Log for a clan meeting!" Rabbitstar called from atop the High Log. Echoleaf and Secretleaf poked their heads from the warriors den before sitting beneath the High Log, and Snoepath dipped her head to them before sitting down.

"We have two new cats joining BrackenClan today! Icepaw, Snowpaw, please join me on the High Log. Snowpaw will be Secretleaf's apprentice. Secretleaf," Rabbitstar meowed, turning to the gray she-cat. "Put Snowpaw's paws on the right path to become a warrior. I know you can." Rabbitstar told her.

Snowpaw leaped off of the High Log, touching noses with Secretleaf before sitting down next to her new mentor.

"Icepaw will be training under Snowpath. Snowpath, you are truly a gifted medicine cat. Teach Icepaw everything that you have learned." Rabbitstar told her. Icepaw touched noses with Snowpath before sitting down next to her.

"Icepaw is mute, but we must treat her like any other cat. Meeting dismissed!"

"Snowpaw! Icepaw! Snowpaw! Icepaw!"

(Sorry for changing Snowpaw and Icepaw's pics, but they where to big, and I can't shrink them.)



  1. Icepaw looked up to Snowpath her bright eyes shining.

    Snowpaw smiled to Secretleaf, " So what will you teach me first?"

  2. "Why don't we explore the territory" mewed Secretleaf.
