Monday, March 14, 2011

I Have Pages!

So, I took a tip from a follower of BrackenClan, and have made pages for everyone to RP on! Now, if they are anymore concerns, you can see me in my den. Thanks!

~ Rabbitstar


  1. You didnt do the pages correctly. You used the 'pages' provided by blogger. You cant comment on those. You need to make posts of each of your pages, and then put the post links in a link list. I know im not being really clear.......but try it, and if you cant get it ll help.

  2. celandineclan has been changed to thyme clan.

  3. The warrior gathering was last night, but if you hurry, you can still come!

  4. Hi brokenshadow! I'm Primrose and I wanted to invite you to join Twilightclan. :) We need active members and I would like you to check it out. Sorry to advertise :/ I'll join one of your blogs if you like!

    Thanks!, Primrose
